
Which Layer Of The Criminal Justice Wedding Cake Consists Of Serious Felonies?

ane.11. Wedding Cake Model of Justice

Shanell Sanchez

Wedding Block Model

Another model of justice was developed by Samuel Walker who attempts to demonstrate how cases move through the system and may exist treated differently by media and order. This model referred to as the Wedding ceremony Cake Model Theory, is unique because it differentiates types of crimes by how serious the offense is, the offender'south criminal tape, and the victim and offender relationship. [1] It is referred to equally a wedding cake considering of the different tiers or layers on a cake. Accept a moment to glance at the wedding ceremony cake epitome below and observe that wedding cakes often have different layers and the bottom tends to be the largest with the top being the smallest. This section will explain what each layer would resemble in the criminal justice system.

Nosotros are going to work our manner from the lesser of the cake, or the near significant piece, to the smallest slice on top. In the criminal justice system, the bottom layer of the model would represent the most significant number of cases handled by the arrangement, which often includes misdemeanors and traffic violations. This layer may too get comprised of first-time offenders of less severe crimes. [2] Misdemeanors are the least unsafe types of crimes which can include, depending on where location, public intoxication, prostitution, graffiti, among others. Imagine getting caught tagging a park wall and never beingness caught for a crime before, which is where this crime would fall. These are oft the crimes about of united states accept committed, but also most of u.s. may not accept been caught or punished. A misdemeanor may consequence in a monetary fine, rather than jail time.

Bottom-Layer Example (The Largest Portion) Dr. Sanchez

If a person were speeding v over on the interstate, it is unlikely they would become pulled over, or spend time in court. They are likely to pay the fine which admits guilt. However, if they cannot afford the fine, it would require them to become to jail, which brings in a whole host of other issues. The lesser layer of the cake often does not require a person to go to trial because nigh people with pocket-sized crimes are given and have plea bargains. If one were to go to jail for a misdemeanor, information technology is typically for less than 1 year.

When nosotros previously talked most law-breaking control resembling an assembly line, this tier would be an example of that: people get cited for everyday violations, people pay their fines rather than become to court, by paying fines they admit guilt, and their interaction with the system will end. These crimes are the ones that are seen as so common newspapers will rarely report on them. How often would you like to read almost someone getting cited for speeding ten mph over? Or beingness arrested for small possession of marijuana? Although nearly of these are common marijuana arrests have increased aslope legalization in the U.S. they are abrasive to read about from

The 2d tier, or adjacent layer, is comprised of lower-level felonies that may exist violent or not-violent. Over again, many of these cases terminate in a plea bargain and exercise not stop in significant jail or prison fourth dimension. [3] However, they consume a significant amount of the courts' fourth dimension. For case, Oregon has three different levels or classes of felonies. Class A is the about serious and tin result in up to twenty-years imprisonment, Class B can result in up to 10 years imprisonment, and Class C is the least serious with up to v years. [4] The 2nd tier would be comprised mostly of Class C felonies.

The tertiary tier is comprised primarily of what most of us know as serious felonies that tend to be trigger-happy and involve offenders with significant criminal histories. In this tier's cases are more than probable to go to trial if the offender pleads not guilty, and if found guilty, will upshot in prison time. Every bit stated in the Oregon example, this would near probable exist Class B Felonies and maybe some Class A felonies.

Lastly, the elevation tier frequently referred to as celebrated cases, would be the smallest part of the cake and would be made upwards of the high-profile cases that tend to be profiled past the media. If plant guilty, offenders could receive significant punishments which may include life imprisonment or the death penalty. The height tier is less common than the others, but it is also the criminal offense nosotros like to remember of every bit really bad. Information technology is as well the cases that garner a lot of news time, and maybe it is a case that made information technology to the United States Supreme Court. Therefore, the media may glorify these cases, peculiarly if it is a well-known cases like O.J. Simpson, Bernie Madoff, Kobe Bryant, Michael Jackson, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy. Virtually people know near these cases, and it may have struck fright into the public, but again, these are garnered more attention because they are uncommon, committed past people who are famous, or shock the public consciousness.

Ted Bundy Obsession Example

Our society is and so obsessed with the celebrated cases that we often talk a lot nearly them, cover them extensively on the news, and live in fear because of them. Students in a class that are pro-death sentence often say, "I reserve information technology for all the Ted Bundy's in the world." They are rare, but nosotros fearfulness them! Have this news link that shares images of his last meals on death row.

https://world wide

The Wedding Cake Model theory not just helps usa better understand the performance of the criminal justice system but also how our perceptions of crime and criminality can be skewed by what gets reported in the news. It is uncommon for united states to hear or read reports on the almost common types of crimes, the bottom tier. When we get bombarded with the crimes that are more at the meridian, celebrated cases, we may begin to retrieve that is the reality.

Wedding Cake Model Exercise

Observe a case for each tier of the wedding cake model in the news and write upwardly a 500 word summary of where information technology fits and why. Lastly, discuss how it may get influenced by our extensive coverage of rare, notwithstanding essential news cases.


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